Andalusia has a very important artistic legacy from prehistoric times distributed throughout its territory – like an enormous and complex mosaic – from magnificent Palaeolithic painted groups (Ardales, Pileta, Nerja, Malalmuerzo, Morrón, Ambrosio, etc.) to the most recent – and numerous – groups of Schematic painting (nuclei in Sierra Morena, the Subbetic, the north of Almeria, etc.). Between them, chronologically speaking, are the Levantine Art groups of the easternmost area of the provinces of Almería and Jaén, the most southerly of this peculiar style of peninsular prehistory.

Sites that can be visited: 1. Dolmen de Soto (Trigueros, Huelva); 2. C.I. y Abrigo del Tajo de las Figuras (Benalup, Cádiz); 3. Cueva de Doña Trinidad de Ardales (Málaga); 4. Cueva de Nerja; 5. Cueva de Los Murciélagos de Zuheros (Córdoba);6.Cueva de La Graja (Abrigos de La Graja I y II/ Jimena, Jaén); 7. Cueva de la Tabla de Pochico (Arte Rupestre de Aldeaquemada, Jaen); 8. Abrigos del Engarbo I y II (Santiago-Pontones, Jaén); 9. Monumento Natural de Cueva Ambrosio, y 10. Cueva de Los Letreros de Vélez Blanco (Almería).
Not to be missed: The sites declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO, some of which require a hiking approach: Tabla de Pochico, Abrigo del Engarbo and Cueva de Los Letreros. Also, the Cueva de Doña Trinidad de Ardales, for its extraordinary Palaeolithic cave paintings.
How to get there: The route covers, in 6 days, inland Andalusia (from west to east), from the town of Trigueros, in Huelva, to the region of Los Vélez, in Almería. It also passes through Benalup (Cádiz), Ardales (Málaga), Zuheros (Granada), Jimena, Aldeaquemada, Santiago-Pontones and Vélez Blanco (all in the province of Almería).