Cultural Routes in Spain
Junta de Extremadura
Diputación de Cáceres
Prehistoric Schematic Art in Extremadura


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Extremadura is possibly home to the highest concentration of stations with Schematic rock art -mainly paintings- in the Iberian Peninsula, with representations executed from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age (even the Iron Age). Most of these are small enclaves (small shelters or rocky outcrops), but there are also large shelters that dominate the surrounding landscape, with numerous figures and even diachronic accumulations.

Not to be missed: Two shelters stand out for their biogeographical location and the quality of their paintings, those of El Castillo de Monfragüe and La Calderita in La Zarza, with the Cave of Maltravieso being the most internationally known enclave, both for its Palaeolithic paintings (with dozens of hands) and for the age of the ensemble.

Hot to get there: The 5-day route starts in the region of Las Hurdes (Nuñomoral) and ends in Albuerquerque (Badajoz). It passes through the following localities: Monfragüe N.P., Torrejón el Rubio, Las Villuercas Geopark (Berzocana and Cañamero), Cabeza de Buey, Magacela , La Zarza, Cáceres, Valencia de Alcántara and Alburquerque.

Arte hurdano
Monfragüe/Torrejón el Rubio
Las Villuercas
La Serena / Cabeza de Buey
Peña del Búho en Magacela
La Calderita en La Zarza
Cueva de Maltravieso
Puerto Roque/Valencia de Alcántara
San Blas / Alburquerque