The Basque Country is located in a transitional territory, at the confluence of the Cantabrian Region and the Ebro Valley to the south, and the Pyrenees and the French Atlantic coast to the north. As a result, it was a permanent transit area for the Palaeolithic hunting groups that roamed the Franco-Cantabrian region, connecting the valleys of the Dordogne, the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian Region, especially during the Magdalenian period (between 11,000 and 16,000 years ago).

Sites that can be visited: 1. GIPUZCOA: Ekainberri (Zestoa). BIZKAIA: 2. Cueva de Santimamiñe (Kortezubi), 3. Museo Arqueológico de Bizkaia en Bilbao
Not to be missed: Ekainberri has workshops and activities specially designed for children, on the life and techniques of Upper Palaeolithic art. The visit to Santimamiñe Cave only includes the vestibular area and the archaeological excavations, the rest of the cave and its rock art being visited virtually using 3D technology and polarised glasses.
How to get there: The route starts in the town of Zestoa (Gipuzkoa) and ends in Bilbao. The route takes two days to complete.